Eye Injuries in Pets

Eye injuries can cause your pet discomfort and prevent him or her from being active. Not only that, but if the injuries are not treated, they can lead to further complications and even blindness. At Rock Creek Veterinary Hospital in Broomfield, Louisville, Boulder, Superior, and Thornton, CO, we offer treatments to relieve any pet your may be experiencing and improve its health.

Dog eye injuries

Common Causes

From minor scratches to severe wounds, you need to know the common causes of the injury so you can quickly help your pet. Some of these causes include:

    • Scratches
    • Foreign objects stuck in your pet’s eye
    • Chemicals
    • Trauma or impact
    • Altercations with other animals


Certain eye injuries are obvious like a wound from a fight, however, others can be subtle and may be mistaken for allergies. Some symptoms of eye injuries in pets include the following:

    • Swelling or redness
    • Discharge
    • Watery eyes
    • Excessive squinting or blinking
    • Constant pawing
    • Keeping their eye closed

How to Prevent Eye Injuries in Pets

Monitoring your pet’s environment and keeping up with its hygiene can lower the risk of an eye injury. Some additional ways to prevent eye injuries include:

    • Avoid letting you cat or dog roll around in sand, gravel, or irritating plants
    • Keep chemicals and sharp objects out of reach
    • Trim its nails and the hair around its eyes
    • Clean area around the eye with a damp cloth
    • Keep pets away from unfamiliar animals
    • Use gentle grooming shampoos and washes

Treatment for Eye Injuries in Pets

If you think your pet has an eye injury, contact our veterinarian immediately since it can potentially lead to an infection or even vision loss. When you visit us, we’ll speak with you about the symptoms your pet is experiencing to determine the root cause of its eye injury. Afterward, our vet may prescribe eye drops, ointments, or antibiotics to offer your pet relief. In more severe cases, we might also recommend surgery.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

At Rock Creek Veterinary Hospital in Broomfield, Louisville, Boulder, Superior, and Thornton, CO, we understand that pet eye injuries are a serious matter and we are happy to offer quality care. To learn about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, contact us at (720) 358-5324 today. When you’re seeking a veterinarian near me, we look forward to assisting you!

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